Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Monday at 12 Ny time - IYH

This is ONLY for class 1.  BH we can meet this coming Monday! It feels like it has been a looong time.

(Class two=  time and day changed- 
Sunday nights at 930 pm ny time, starting Feb 2 IYH- 
same phone number that we have now.  I am so sorry for anyone in Israel- it will IYH be recorded- although some of the workshops will no longer be recorded)

So far we have discussed in class 1; who we are (a pure neshama) and how to identify with our real self (using our mind).

When we have done something that had a positive outcome, we should identify with it.  Whereas, if we did something that had a negative outcome, realize it came from the body, not the inner soul.

Chapter 3:

Nullifying the negative Feelings:

pages 56-66

(chapter 3 is about Havdalah: separation: the power of "alone":  associating with the inner "I")

Two categories of feelings: (pg 57)

a. feelings in relation to self

b. feelings in relation to others

Initial structure of creation: Adam was alone. This is the earliest power (now deeper in the soul) to be alone, then came Chava and the power in soul to be with others was added.

Therefore, the "I" has two aspects- outward toward people and the other part turns inward.

Question: How do we learn to associate positive feelings with the true "I", (as part of essence of soul), and dissociate from negative feelings- see them as coming from the external body= separate from the true "I"?

1. Focus: (even an angel cannot accomplish more than one task at a time) "When a person is busy with something, that should be the only thing he is doing, and nothing else should interest him)pg 62.

2. "Allow your mind to relax and take a break from the rush of life". (pg 64)- you will discover an entirely new sense of self" (pg 65) (technique ideas:use of quiet music, find a tool that helps you)

For next week, please continue reading in Da es Atzmecha chapter 3 and reminding yourself who you really are.  Try to take a minute a day to focus and allow your mind to relax.

Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh - Book 1: sections 38-43 (finished Clarifying the Purpose of Life/ section 1 of book 1)

38. First decide if you want to feel attached at all times, if not, daven to Hashem that you should.
39. Ramchal: “Man is created solely to delight in Hashem and enjoy the radiance of His shechinah.”- whatever attached to in this world is mirrored in the World to Come.

40. Take as much time as you need to recognize your life is solely for deveikus to Hashem.

41. Many err and think if I learn Torah and keep mitzvos closeness will come automatically

42. (pomegranate seeds) deeds are empty from each other with nothing unifying them” “What is this inner element? Deveikus to Hashem! Torah and mitzvos have one inner goal, which is closeness and deveikus to Hashem.” 

43.What will we do if at the end of our life we wake up and see we haven't experienced closeness to Hashem? Therefore, “examine oneself well and be very skeptical, whether his way is genuine or not...ultimately each person must choose a definite path that will bring him deveikus to Hashem, and ask Hashem to constantly help him find the correct path that is suited for his needs.”
 -end of section 1-
For next week begin reading section 2: Belief in the Creator and keep on looking at the card of your choice....MY purpose in this world is to have deveikus to Hashem!

Looking forward to Monday :) Good Shabbos!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Shavua Tov! No classes this week or next.

I am sorry for the last minute cancellation.

Also, the post on Friday re taking Shabbos in early was posted on the Chatzos website by R. D. Weinreich ( thank you, Yocheved, for the correction.

Looking forward to speaking to you over the next two weeks.

Love, aviva rus


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Good Shabbos!

This Monday, IYH, class 1 will be continuing in Da es Atzmecha (chapter 3) and Bilvavi 1(40-50 section) at 12 ny time.

Class two is on break for the next two weeks.

I learned a beautiful idea last year about the word Vayaseiv  in this weeks Parshas Beshalach (13:18)

Vayaseiv Elokim: Vayaseiv has three meanings: turn, surround, lean. (from MK)

Hashem turned us away from Mitzrayim and its terrible distractions, surrounded us with His love,  and finally leaned us into Him.

This one word models the actions we need to take to sense Hashem in our lives and feel His love for us.

1. Turn away from distractions
2. Notice, in this moment, Hashem's love that surrounds you
3.  Take a step toward Him to lean on Him with bitachon (your actions will show where your emunah is)

In this way we can feel His infinite love for us and try in some small way to express ours for Him.

(Another way to show our love
Rav Shtainman shlita said that kedushas shabbos begins from chatzos. Many women run to light the candles at the last moment or after the last minute. This is very wrong. Those women who are ready 10 minutes before and wait for shabbos and show her love and respect will gain the reward of all those who should honor shabbos. Because they atone for the others.The prayers and requests of those 10 minutes will be answered-that's rav Shtainman shlita's promise.)

May your Shabbos be filled this feeling!

Love, aviva rus

Myriam sent me the idea of vayaseiv last year and this year she sent me Rav Steinman info above- thank you Myriam- from all of us!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Due to your feedback (thank you for it!!!), we are going to review what we have done so far this coming Monday. 

( In class 2 (at 12:45) please also finish reading chapter 1 in Da es Nafshecha.)

iyH i am going to send Shira (thank you administrator!) an awesome article about the 4 elements which we are currently learning about in class 2 so that she can send it out to all of you who may find it as fascinating as i do. (thank you Reitza Sarah! for sending it to me).

Parshas BO - leaving Mitzrayim!!!

Why does Hashem say bo and not leich (go) to Pharo?

Bo- is a lashon (form of speech) where the Shchinah is embedded into it, meaning Moshe should go to Pharo in the same way he is connected to the Shchina while speaking to Hashem, so too, when he leaves Hashem to walk to Pharo, he should carry Hashem with him. (Rav Weinberger)

This is a real lesson to us! Every moment we also have the opportunity to bring Hashem into the moment (no matter what environment we may find ourselves in).  

(In fact, if you read the article that Shira will iyH send to you, you can add the fifth and final loshon of redemption from Mitzrayim - 'veheveiti- and I will bring you'.  Notice the word Bo is in this word.  

Why is this the final word of redemption?

I think it's because our final step in the geulah process is to fuse all four elements (see article and the outlines of sefer we are learning in class 2) with the Shchina and thereby, sense Hashem and connect to Him in every breath we take!)

May our exodus from the darkness of Mitrayim this week bring us to this extraordinary place, one with Hashem in all we do.

Good Shabbos!