Monday, March 2, 2015

Below is copied from the final thing to remember is simplicity:

All of the Yomim Tovim (Jewish holidays) are within our realm of human comprehension (yeda).  However, Purim is not within our comprehension; it is above our regular knowledge, and it is called lo yeda.[1]  Therefore, the way we prepare for Purim is not in the same way that we prepare for other Yomim Tovim.

When it comes to Yomim Tovim, we can prepare ourselves for Yom Tov by learning about the concept of each Yom Tov; we can attempt to understand the meaning of each Yom Tov, on an intellectual level, and then we are able to gain from the Yom Tov.

But Purim doesn’t work like that.  It is not something we can really “know” about intellectually.  It is about lo yeda – it involves “no daas”, because we cannot understand Purim if we try to use our daas (human comprehension or understanding). The way to prepare for Purim is not through our daas, but through accessing our higher power, lo yeda.  In other words, we can’t learn about Purim on an intellectual level and try to understand what it is about. The way we prepare for Purim is by simply being prepared to accept whatever it has to offer! ­[2]

There is a deep point contained here. When we prepare ourselves to accept something, although we are enabling ourselves to receive, we are also limiting ourselves in the process, because when we prepare for what we will receive, we are setting the limit to how much we will gain. Therefore, preparing for Yom Tov, while commendable, has a drawback to it, because since we need to prepare for the spiritual gains we will receive from Yom Tov, we will be limited in how much we receive.

Purim, though, enables us to receive from it in unlimited way, due to the fact that we don’t intellectually prepare ourselves for it.

When it comes to the concept of time, there are times of yeda/daas/comprehension, and there are times of lo yeda/no daas/above comprehension. Yom Tov is an example of yeda, while Purim is an example of lo yeda. But it is not only time in which we find yeda and lo yeda. Our soul as well can access lo yeda, and therefore, it’s possible to live with a Purim-like attitude the whole year round. When we access our power of lo yeda throughout the year, we will be able to receive an unlimited amount of understanding, and nothing will be holding us back.

Therefore, practically speaking, don’t prepare for Purim thinking about what you want to take out of it.  Instead, act with temimus (simplicity): trust in Hashem that He can give you anything He wishes to give you.

This is a point that should become a basic fundamental to live by: always do everything with temimus.  Don’t ever expect to feel spiritual elation; don’t expect to acquire major spiritual attainments. Instead, just be simple – place your trust and hope in Hashem, that He will send You whatever He will send you…
אפשר להמשיך השפעת לא ידע של פורים לכל השנה

[1] In order to understand this section, refer to Bilvavi Part 5: Transcending Our Comprehension.
[2] Editor’s Note: It appears that the author is referring to using our “temimus” – to believe earnestly in Hashem and to carry out His mitzvos without asking any questions. The author often explains that “lo yeda”, our power of higher knowledge that is above the regular comprehension, can be accessed when we use our temimus; our ability to walk “simply” with Hashem and never question His ways. This theme runs commonly throughout sefer Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh, Part IX, which is an entire sefer devoted to the topic of lo yeda/temimus.

purim sameach!!!happy purim!!!! a freilichen purim
please continue to daven for Shira's husband: 
Yaacov Shaul Ben Necha Yehudis

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