Wednesday, February 13, 2019

knowing who we are...

The greater a realist you are, the greater your joy

Step one: choosing to fight the fight.

Step two: Believing that when we take the step to fight, Hashem will lift us up the rest of the way.

Step three: Understanding the whole reason the challenge came was to create this dynamic.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman/ :

“I lift my eyes to the mountains, from whence will come my help?” (Psalms 121:1)
People believe that only fools are optimists. But the opposite is true.
Precisely because we understand how desperate the situation really is, how helpless we are and how impossible the challenge, that itself tells us how great a G‑d we have—a G‑d who can lift us high beyond the natural order and transform the most ominous darkness to brilliant good.
The greater a realist you are, the greater your joy."

Why do we need all these emotions anyway!!!???

"As water, face to face, so the heart of a man to his fellow."(Proverbs 27:19)
Does G‑d then laugh? Does the Infinite Light cry over failure and rejoice in success? Does He that brings time and space into existence truly love with the passion of a frail human being or feel remorse as a creature trapped within the tunnel of time?
But G‑d desired the human soul with all its struggles. And the proof: We are here. 
And when G‑d conceived this being, He looked down from His lofty realm beyond love and laughter, passion and remorse, and He said, "Shall she then be alone in his place and I in mine? Is this oneness?"
So He arranged a meeting place. He determined that the boundless emotions that are the fabric of the human soul would glimmer as well within the purity of the Infinite Light. 
So that in love and laughter and compassion and awe and beauty, This human creature and G‑d could find one another, and neither would be alone.
Maamar B’Sha’ah She’alah 5725.

By Tzvi Freeman