"Geulah is not a destination you can see by looking in front of you, you can only see it by looking inside of you." (so when we stare at the candles let's ask Hashem for the clarity to see what's really within....)
I saw something based on a lecture given by Rav Yitzchok Kirzner zt'l about the magnitude of change that can take place within us through lighting the menorah.
As Aharon Hacohen was approaching the menorah to light it in the Mishkan, he paused, because the image of the eigel (Golden Calf) rose before him and he felt he was unworthy to light the menorah. Moshe Rabbeinu understood why he paused and said, to him, 'once you have repented, don't look back, rather, move forward'. Aharon found the strength to move forward and that strength carried through into the Chashmonaim as they searched for oil, and now has carried through to us, their descendents.
Let's do teshuva on the past, then leave it behind, so that as we light the candles we can reclaim who we really are, and who Hashem created us to be, His people.
As many of you know it is an auspicious time to stay seated by the candles and daven for about half-an-hour...
There are various Minhagim as to which Tehillim to recite after kindling the Neiros Chanukah. As noted from various emails received over the past couple of days, perhaps the most well-known to be recited:
Tehillim 90 (last pasuk - 7 times, as per Ramban) and Tehillim 91 (7 times, as per Rivash) - read 7 times aloud, and once more (8th time), silently.
Then, Tehillim 30, 33, 67 ,19, 100, 133, 139
R' Levi Yitzchak M'barditchev in the name of the Ramban and the Ba'al Shem Tov - as a segulah for a protection for the coming year.
(Sefer Kedushat Levi L'Chanukahh, Sefer Halichot Yosef 676:4, Yesod V'shoresh Hoavodah 12:1)
Some add- Tehillim kappitel 121, Nishmas Kol
Chai, and Ana B'choach (7 times).
(Sefer Halichos Yosef 676:4, Yesod V'shoresh Ha’avodah 12:1)
As per Hakhel: Some additionally recite all of Kepitel 119, and all of the Shir HaMa’alos (120-134). When reciting Chapter 67, some recite it as it is published in the form of a Menorah, ahl pi kabbalah. Finally, some recite the powerful Shiras Chana (Shmuel I, 2:1-10).
May Hashem hear all of our tefillos l'tova.
A Freilichin Chanukah / Chanukah Sameach!
The Kedushas Levi says that each night of chanuka is mesugal for different things to daven for.
1 st night -not to be lonely or depressed.
2nd night- shidduchim, shalom bayis
3rd night- good children,happy children, healthy
(Chasam Sofer says when u cry in front of the candles u can be sure your tefilos are answered)
4th night- 4 imahos
To be a normal woman, in my 4 walls, of true essence
5th night - chamisha chumshei torah
Daven your husband should be a talmid chacham children.
By the 5th night more of the menorah is lit up can daven for more light in your life, for a revelation
6th night - simcha
You can have everything and still be sad, so opportunity to daven for simcha.
7th night -happy shabbos
Zmiros ,divrei torah by your seuda. Shabbos is source of all bracha.
8th nignt-mesugal for barren women
8 is above nature, powerful day to daven.
Kedushas Levi says if you are planning to start something new ,if you start on chanuka it will be blessed.
My Favorite Picture of all time- how precious are the mitzvos!!!
Special segulos for Chanukah,
as told by rebbitzin yemima mizrachi:
Mothers should not say to their kids, during Chanukah or at all, “I am tired” or anything in correlation to ‘I am tired ..not now’. This makes a child feel like they are not important and a burden to their parents and is very hurtful to them and so even if you are tired, and who is not… don’t tell them this
The mitzvah of the women after lighting is not to move, I repeat Do Not Move, after the candles are lit. Sit there and gaze at them for ½ hour, but again without moving, talking on the phone, getting up, or anything…. This is very hard but Rebbi Nachman from Breslov says that as hard as it is to sit and not do anything, so is the size of the yeshua you will get by sitting. But sit there and daven, pray for all and everything…
At the beginning of creation, Hashem created light, a very strong powerful light, that was so holy that the world would not have been able to withstand its’ holiness and so he ‘shrunk’ it, so to speak. And reduced it to what’s called “the hidden light/אור הגנוז”. This light in its’ full capacity will be revealed, B’H, in the future to come.
When we daven/pray from a siddur, when we meet one of the 36 hidden holy tzadikkim of our generation and when we light the 36 candles of Chanukah. The sparks of this light give us the ability to ‘see and better understand’ Hashems’ ways. Adam HaRishon was able to see the entire world from one end to the other with this original light of creation and so we can perceive Hashems’ ways a bit better and clearer when we encounter the sparks of this light.
The Father of the holy RamBam, zt”l had said that one should not belittle the power of frying soufganiot in oil. Use plenty of oil, don’t be skimpy, it is a segula for parnassa. But unless you want to make the local baker wealthy, you must fry them yourself and eat them as well. Better to be rich and fat, I guess then skinny and poor…. you choose… Anyway, it’s the utmost importance that you make them, you fry them and then you say the bracha of “על המחיה” at the end, which mentions theמזבח which is of course of most relevance during Chanukah.
On the last night of Chanukah traditionally called זאת חנוכהthere is a segula/a special energy that you may tap into for women who wish to conceive, ask from Hashem that in the merit of the eight days of Chanukah you shall celebrate B’H a bris milah on the eighth day for your son, Amen! Look at the candles and ask Hashem to give you a child….
For all of those who are single or know of someone who wishes to marry, here is one for you: on the Shabbos of Chanukah, you must first light the Chanukah candles and then the Shabbos candles. After both are lit, glance at them both and ask for a zivug, your marriage partner.
חזרה בתשובה/coming back to teshuva: in particular when it comes to our children. On Rosh Chodesh Tevet, on the eve of lighting the Chanukah candles there is an auspicious time for teshuva. On this day Yismael did teshuva and so the power of the day is teshuva. And if Yismael did teshuva certainly we can tap into that energy and ask Hashem to bring back our child/ren to teshuva just as Yismael did, the son of Avraham Avinu, עליו השלום. It is also a custom to light a candle for Rabbi Meir Ba’al HaNess on this night, זכר צדיק וקדוש לברכה.
Whoever saw bad images, immodest images, frightening images; you or your husband and/or your children through movies or in real life, looking at the candles of the menorah will erase them from your hard drive memory or those in your family. Ask Hashem to erase them in the merit of the holy flames…
Last but definitely not least; ask for a miracle, a Big miracle in the merit of Chanukah. Ask for something that you think is impossible & that will be considered a miracle if it happens... Ask that Hashem to release those wrongfully imprisoned: Yonatan Halevi ben Malka Pollard, Shlomo Halevi Mordechai ben Rivka Rubashkin …***THE TEFILOS WORKED!!!
May we merit to see wonderous miracles this Chag and always and may we merit to witness the most precious miracle of all: the coming of Mashiach במהרה בימינו ברחמים, אמן!
Hashem please send a refuah and yeshua to every one of Klal Yisrael!