Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The greater a realist you are, the greater your joy

Step one: choosing to fight the fight.

Step two: Believing that when we take the step to fight, Hashem will lift us up the rest of the way.

Step three: Understanding the whole reason the challenge came was to create this dynamic.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman/ :

“I lift my eyes to the mountains, from whence will come my help?” (Psalms 121:1)
People believe that only fools are optimists. But the opposite is true.
Precisely because we understand how desperate the situation really is, how helpless we are and how impossible the challenge, that itself tells us how great a G‑d we have—a G‑d who can lift us high beyond the natural order and transform the most ominous darkness to brilliant good.
The greater a realist you are, the greater your joy."

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